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Trianel Gasspeicher Epe increases marketed capacity

225 GWh fast cycle storage capacity on an interruptible basis

Aachen, Epe. Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG (TGE) is marketing storage capacities for 2018/19 and starts two separate tender processes. Stored bundles on an interruptible basis are being offered with a working gas volume of 225 GWh. TGE so increases the marketed storage capacity again by 50 percent against the previous year auction.

Annual Storage Product 2018/19
In the first tender process an annual storage product 2018/19 containing three stored bundles is being offered for the period from 1 April 2018 to 1 April 2019. One bundle contains a 25 GWh working gas volume. The deadline for the first tender process is 23 January 2018, 12:00 CET.

Inter-year Storage Product 2018
In the second tender process, a current storage product will be offered for the period from 1 February 2018 to 1 August 2018. Three stored bundles are available with a doubled working gas volume of 50 GWh each. The deadline for offers is 24 January 2017, 12:00 CET.

All offered bundles have identical configuration of injection capacity 200 MW and withdrawal capacity 400 MW.

For further information on TGE, a description of the storage product, the tender process and the sample contract, see TGE’s website:

Since 2008, TGE has operated a natural gas storage facility consisting of four salt caverns in Gronau/Epe (Westphalia), with a working gas volume of 197 million cubic metres (from 1-4-2018 195 million m³). This is one of the fastest storage facilities in Germany, which is owned by 16 municipal utilities and semi-public shareholders.

Maik Hünefeld, Press Officer Generation
Phone +49 241 413 20-282 | Mobile +49 151 140 89 0 39 | Email m.huenefeld@trianel.com

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Ingela Marré, Pressesprecherin der Trianel GmbH

Ingela Marré
